Wind Power Capacity in India

India's wind resources are among those major renewable resources that are non-polluting and clean. Wind energy is also Further it is cost effective and highly suitable of the several other energy resources. The development and growth of the wind power energy in India started in 1990s. Over the years, the wind energy sector has grown significantly. Even though a newcomer in the wind power sectors in comparison to Denmark or US, yet the wind power capacity of India make the country count as the 5th largest nation worldwide.

Wind Power Capacity Map

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The installed wind power capacity of India is 11807.00 MW as of March 2010. It is expected that by the end of 2012, India's wind power capacity will reach 6,000 MW. Out of the total power capacity installed in India, wind power energy accounts for about 6%. It generates 1.6% of India's total power. According to the estimations of Indian Wind Energy Association, India has the 'on-shore capability to utilize 65,000 MW of wind energy for the generation of electricity. India has a huge amount of unexploited wind resource that can help immensely in the future years to come.

The wind power capacity in India is the maximum in Tamil Nadu. As of March 2010, the state has 4889.765 MW of wind generating capacity. Kethanoor, Gudimangalam, Chittipalayam, Poolavadi, Sunkaramudaku, Kongal Nagaram, Murungappatti, Gomangalam, Anthiur are the places in Tamil Nadu with the maximum wind generating capacity.

Next to Tamil Nadu is Maharashtra, which is the 2nd state in India to generate wind power energy.

The Government of Gujarat also banks largely on the wind resources. The state has identified Samana in the Rajkot District as the perfect place for installing 450 turbines, which would generate 360 MW of energy. In order to facilitate the development of wind energy in the state through investments, the Gujarat Government has come up with several incentives, which includes high tariff for wind energy.

The state of Karnataka is also not lagging behind. There are several wind farms in the state. Chitradurga and Gadag are among the districts with the maximum number of windmills.

Although India has a high wind power installed capacity, yet the country lacks proper utilization of the wind resources. As per one of the studies made by the "Global World Energy Council" India has the capability to construct wind power stations and plants that can generate about 5 times more in comparison to the estimations made by the Government, by the year 2030. According to the estimations of Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association, against the government's calculation 48,000 MW from 216 sites, the wind power capacity of India can go up by 231,000 MW. The Government of India has plans to put in 10,500 MW of wind power capacity in the next 5 five years, that is by 2012.

India's Power Scenario at a Glance

  • The total wind power capacity that was installed in 1947 - 1362 MW
  • Installed win power capacity at present - about 152148 MW
  • Intended wind power capacity by 2020 - 240000 MW

State wise Wind Energy Potential Capacity

State Wind Potential (Gross)
Andhra Pradesh 8275 MW
Gujarat 9675 MW
Karnataka 6620 MW
Maharashtra 3650 MW
Kerala 875 MW
Rajasthan 5400 MW
Madhya Pradesh 5500 MW
Tamil Nadu 3050 MW
West Bengal 450 MW
Orissa 1700 MW
Total 45195 MW

Last Updated on : 23 September 2010


India Non Conventional Energy